Monday, September 15, 2008

BarCamp Bangalore 07

Barcamp, Bangalore was a new experience, as this was my first unconference (even Google hasn't updated its dictionary about this word!).
The venue has always been IIMB. Me and Trilok reached the venue by around 11:00 AM. There was a parallel event at the same venue, it was Startup Saturday. Trilok decided to attend S.S, I decided to check out the bar camp.
A session on Open social was about to begin. A guy and a gal from Satyam introduced themselves as the presenters. Although the session was boring for me as I was new to Open social, but I made it interesting for me with my bluetooth thing. Poor gal, she was reportedly getting messages on her laptop for a blutooth connection.
It was lunch time and I didn't know to follow the crowd for lunch. I entered a canteen, had lunch (the lunch was really good), and came out. Meanwhile Trilok, who was on the other end of the IIMB campus had lunch in the official canteen for the bar campers. He called me and we decided to meet at point which we both knew (IIMB campus was huge!). Later I found out that I had lunch in the wrong canteen.
We attended few more sessions and headed back home. By the way I mailed that gal the same night about the bluetooth stuff that happened during the session.

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